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What to Expect

Many people wonder how the process works when considering solutions for their hearing loss. We want you to be informed so you can know ahead of time what to expect and also so you can be thinking of possible questions you might have. Here is what to expect:



Meet with our friendly receptionist and fill out a quick form with your general information. Then you will meet our audiologist or one of our hearing instrument specialists in one of our private and comfortable testing rooms. Our first responsibility is to listen to your story about what has brought you to the point of seeing us.



The first step in your evaluation is a simple and painless video otoscopic inspection.  This procedure allows you and your specialist to look in your ear canal together on a large video screen. The specialist will check for excessive earwax, blockages, or any medical issues with your ear canal or eardrum. Your struggles to hear may simply be a build up of wax which we may be able to remove for you right in the office.



Headphones will be placed over your ears, and sounds will be played into each ear one at a time across different frequency ranges. You will be asked to press a button on the remote in your hand each time you hear the tone. Your results will then be plotted on an audiogram which is a graph indicating your hearing threshold (what sound levels you can and cannot hear in each ear). This allows our hearing expert to determine the type and degree of hearing loss you may be experiencing. Your results are documented, then you will be shown a chart that illustrates your condition. 



We will clearly explain your audiogram results, and explain your type of hearing loss. Then, we will guide you through your options to resolve your hearing struggles. It is our practice to advise you about options to improve your hearing health with and without the aid of amplification. We will take whatever time necessary for you to fully understand your hearing loss and your specific options. In most cases, we will explain hearing aid technology and even allow you to hear what life could sound like with your own set of hearing aids. 



There are many hearing aid sizes and models to choose from. You and your specialist will decide together which style works best for your needs. We'll program a demo hearing aid for you to experience the latest in hearing technology and decide for yourself if you like what you hear. Generally, this first visit will take about 1 hour. If possible, we encourage you to bring someone with you that has a familiar voice so when you try on hearing aids you are able to judge their clarity.



Once you are comfortable with the information and solution we provide, the decision is yours in how we move forward. We accept most insurances, and will handle claims for you. If you are a current or retired Federal employee with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS-FEHB) insurance, your plan pays up to $2,500 every 3 years which is enough to cover the cost of our NuEar Intro2 hearing aids. Hearing Healthcare Center is your authorized BCBS-FEHB hearing professionals and will handle your claim.


Visit for more information about your benefits. If financing would help, we offer Care Credit and Wells Fargo Health Advantage to qualifying patients.



Since most hearing aids are custom fit to your ear canal, the next step is to make a mold of your ears. This process is painless and quick. We send your ear mold to our manufacturer who crafts their technology into a device custom fit to your ear. We schedule you to return one week later for your fitting.



Your hearing instrument specialist will fit you with your new hearing aids. At this time, they will also program and adjust your new hearing aids to "feel" as natural as possible. You will be given clear and easy directions on how to maintain the quality of your new hearing aids as well.



Our standard operations are to see you back in 1 and 3 weeks, then 3 months from the time of your fitting. After that, we will see you every 3-6 months to ensure your hearing instruments are working properly.


We look forward to seeing you and making a difference in your life!


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