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Since 1986 in the Upstate, Hearing Healthcare Center has been committed to helping people hear better because we personally understand the effects of hearing loss. It is our passion to treat patients with top-notch care and to improve their lives using the absolute best hearing devices available.

Sam Wyche of Greenville, SC

                          "Hearing Healthcare Center offers the latest in hearing technology at the                                   most affordable prices. You can trust the folks at Hearing Healthcare                                        Center. I am very pleased with my new NuEar Miniscopic hearing aids. They are not only invisible — I can hear great! I would recommend these to anyone looking for better hearing.”

Armand C. of Greenville, SC

                            "I have been hearing impaired for years and, at first, like many people,                                   I ignored it and simply accepted it as an effect of aging. I got help at                                       Hearing Healthcare Center of Greenville and I’m so glad to tell you that my life is drastically different now! They are understanding, friendly and caring professionals. I had my hearing tested, and was fitted with an amazing new set from NuEar. I am absolutely thrilled with them! The newer technology makes such a difference. I’m hearing and understanding like never before, not to mention my hearing loss no longer negatively affects those I know. I am passionate about hearing aids because they work! I want to encourage you to do what I did and get your hearing loss corrected."

Jack M. of Greenville, SC

                         "My ten years experience with Hearing Healthcare Center has been                                        extremely satisfying.Their product knowledge is excellent, but even more                              impressive is their customer service. It is my pleasure to encourage friends and family to check out Hearing Healthcare Center's services."

Judy L. of Taylors, SC

                         "I Just returned home from being fitted with the NuEar hearing aids at                                     Hearing Healthcare Center! Wonderful!! I Am looking forward to choir                                     tonight to really test out the difference. Dick (my husband) and I thank you very much! You have a great staff - they are very courteous, helpful and extremely friendly!"

Robert W. of Greenville, SC

                          "Years ago before being fitted with hearing aids, while having conversation                             with my soft-spoken father, I asked him to speak up so I could hear him.                                 He quietly turned to me and said, 'Son, you owe it to other people to get yourself some hearing aids.' I eventually took his advice and now cannot imagine life without the assistance of hearing aids. In my case, it was the high-pitched voices of children and women that I was having problems hearing. Since my job involves a good deal of interaction with people, my hearing aids have become a very important part of my life. My experience with Hearing Healthcare Center has been more than satisfactory. The folks there have been great to deal with over the years and have always been sensitive to my hearing needs."

Ralph B. of Greenville, SC

                           "I am well pleased with the technical skills, explanations and assurances                                  that everything was alright. Follow ups were very helpful and since being                                fit with my NuEars, I felt like I was being well cared for at all times. I wouldn’t hesitate to refer anyone to this practice and I'm much more pleased with the results of these aids vs. others I have tried in the past."

Linda H. of Greenville, SC

                          "If I had known it would be this much better I would have purchased hearing                             aids from HHC a long time ago. I have the new NOW® technology. There                               is absolutely no feedback like I had with my old hearing aids. It is so easy to hear now! It is amazing!"

Monika R. of Easley, SC

"I would like to tell you how much I enjoy and love my new hearing aids and the SurfLink device. The hearing aids fit perfectly to my hearing loss and situation in life. I am a pastor's wife and much of my ministry is listening, prayer and counseling. Now with my SurfLink, I am able to lay it on the table or just hold it and I hear perfectly! I use it every day. During a sermon, I set it on "focus" and it picks up the speaker clearly. I also hear the references to scripture correctly now. During a Bible study, as I teach, I set it on "surround" to hear the comments made by the ladies. I even took it to Germany and I was able to visit so much better with my family and missionaries. I have to listen so much harder in my second language and this made the transition so much easier for me. This has changed my life! These devices are definitely worth every penny spent!"

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